4 Signs That Someone Has Secret Crush On You

In Case You Want To Know

Be Open


Sometimes you can’t help but wonder why a particular person gives me the vibes that they like me? Is it something about my body language? Or perhaps these feelings could be coming from the way I talk, or even their words to you.

You wonder whether or not that significant someone shares your feelings, do they notice that you like them before you do, or may they choose to ignore those feelings. You may be thinking that you’re not even sure whether they like you back or not. You’ve never felt this way about another person before, and you are hesitant to act on these feelings.

In short, you might feel confused, uncertain, and even that your heart is racing when called upon to react positively to the interest of a stranger. You end up questioning everything and feel a tad insecure about the entire situation — which is fine! None of us is perfect, and we all deal with feelings of uncertainty from time to time.

The fact that you have feelings for or are attracted to another person doesn’t mean that you can or should reciprocate these feelings. There are several indicators that someone may like you; however, it’s important to recognize them to act accordingly. To help you shine some clarity on your crush dilemma, we have listed some of the most notable signs that someone may be romantically interested in you.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

You Find Him Or Her Constantly Checking You Out

In real life and social media, you may notice that the person is consciously or subconsciously looking around for you or, better yet, looking at you in ways that only your loved ones normally do. This could mean through facial expressions, body language, and even speech. If they are always looking for you to see what you’re doing before doing anything else (as long as this doesn’t become too obsessive), it can be a sign that they like you.

The way that person reacts to you, both when they meet you in real life and online, could directly indicate that they like you. For example, they may look at you in a way that shows their interest in how you look or even how you are approaching the situation as a whole. The way he or she responds to your small talk is also something to keep track of. If your approaches are not being met with indifference but with positivity and enthusiasm, then your crush might be reciprocating your interest in them.

It might be a daring eye stare or a shy peek once in a while, but a person interested in you wouldn’t want to miss a chance to look at you, even if only for a second. But, on the other hand, if that person is constantly looking at you while you’re not looking at them, the chances are that they may think that you’re really cute and hope to get your attention.

Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

They Will Try To Keep The Conversation Going

Another way to identify that someone has a crush on you is to keep the conversation moving along. If they feel comfortable with you, and find it easy to talk about anything, then there’s a good chance that they like you. They will also try to laugh at your jokes and not be offended if things don’t go as planned.

The next time you’re chatting with your possible crush, try to exit the conversation for a minute or two and see if they initiate a conversation with you again. You’ll often find that your potential crush will try to keep the conversation going, so don’t be afraid to talk about anything and everything. However, if your crush starts to get awkward or stop talking after a while, then there is probably a good chance that they are not interested in you at all.

How he or she responds will tell you a lot about their feelings towards you. If they are amiable, then this could be a sign that your crush is into you. On the other hand, if they seem more withdrawn or less friendly, they probably don’t share the same feelings.

If they look to re-engage in a conversation with you later, this is a sure sign that they like you! A person who has a crush on you might also be texting you regularly. They won’t usually initiate the texting; however, if they do, then they are a good bet to send you a message and hope that you get back to them.

And finally, if your possible crush wants to meet you over a cup of coffee, it’s probably because they really like you!

Photo by Manuel Meurisse on Unsplash

They Try To Be Next To You, As Often As Possible

One of the dead giveaway signs that someone has a crush on you is when you are at a party or a bar, and they try to position themselves right beside you. This is normally done without them even realizing it because it’s something that they do naturally.

If you’re not sure if someone likes you, then pay attention to how they position themselves when in a group. For example, if the person with a crush on you thinks that nobody is paying attention to them, they will probably try to position themselves next to you.

Specialists say that when we truly like someone, we perceive them as our centre of gravity. We want to be where they are. The person who has a crush on you will try to be next to you and try to stand in front of you and behind you so that they can feel your presence and see what you’re doing.

While some of these crush signs might be friendly moves, if these behavior changes become too obvious, take it as a sign that the person has a crush on you.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

They Act Differently Around You

To tell if someone has a crush on you, you may interpret their behavior towards you. If you notice that they are a little more nervous around you than usual or if they seem a little more attentive and go out of their way to initiate conversations with you, then it is likely that they may fancy you.

For instance, they could be awkward in your presence. In addition, there might be some hints of nervousness in their voice when they speak to you — constantly clearing their throats or shuffling their feet.

If they act differently around you, then it’s safe to assume that they may like you. This can include talking with you for longer than usual and consistently initiating conversations with you even if the topic is not interesting to them.

They might even become protective of you, showing interest in what’s happening around your life or listening to stories you tell them. While it is not uncommon for people to be protective of others they care about, these types of interests are often associated with a romantic interest.

Someone that has a crush on you will suddenly perceive you as the funniest and the most interesting person they’ve ever met. They will laugh and smile at your jokes or stories without even meaning to do so because they are genuinely happy and interested in what you have to say.

In a Nutshell

At the end of the day, while it is rather entertaining to play a detective and find if someone has a crush on you, the best way of knowing if you are liked is to ask yourself these very same questions.

If you are unsure about how someone feels about you, it is probably better to leave the situation alone and see how things progress in the future. However, if you want to be 100% certain, it would be good to ask them directly and get to the bottom of their feelings towards you.

Sometimes we are not sure if the feelings are mutual. Communication here is key! Being rejected might be painful, but it goes away with time and can bring you great lessons. If they don’t like you, ask why, and work on those things to make yourself more attractive!

It’s important to note that not having a crush on someone does not mean that you cannot become good friends. A crush is a temporary state of mind triggered by different factors like physical attraction, personality traits, or the person’s social image in question.



Be Open
Writer for

I am a writer on self-development and psychology. I love to share my thoughts and advice in life.