Why Do I Love Someone Who Hurts Me

Avoid Doing These and Move Forward!

6 min readDec 21, 2021
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

There’s a reason why we spend our lives in relationships. We seek companionship, real love, and connection. And as we grow, we realize that there are a lot more to the relationships than what meets the eye. Our darlings are not just objects that help us fulfill our life goals; they are human beings with their own needs and desires.

It is natural to feel vulnerable and protective when we are in a relationship. But when we start feeling that there is no connection, the relationship has gone past its prime and all you feel is hurt and despair. Sometimes it can be hard to understand why these relationships cause us so much pain. In this article, we are going to look at some of the reasons why you still love someone who hurts you.

You Were Too Involved In The Relationship

It is impossible to have a relationship with your romantic partner without involving yourself in it. But it is not good to be too involved in the relationship. Once you get too invested in your ex, it can lead to an increase of anxiety and insecurity. You start to mis-interpret everything your partner does and start worrying that they are not interested in you anymore.

You might be thinking that you have no choice but to be involved. You might think about it as a self-esteem boost and not realize that you are being too controlling in the relationship. The more control you have, the less freedom will your partner has. Relationships only thrive when there is balance between both partners’ need for freedom and dependence on each other.

Try to focus on yourself instead of your relationship. The more time you spend on yourself, the less time you will have to invest in the other person. You will realize that you have more than enough to be happy without the other person.

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

You Are Too Afraid To Let Go The Relationship

Everyone wants true love and these feelings are hard to shake. But sometimes it is better to let go of a relationship even if you do not want to because staying in a toxic relationship will only cause you more pain in the future.

It is important to understand that love and relationships cannot be forced; this will never work out for anyone. When we are too afraid of losing someone, it makes us cling tighter than ever before to make sure that our partner does not leave us either. You become more emotional and dependent on your partner as a result.

Surely, it is not easy to let go of someone who is important to you. But it is necessary to get better and move on. You can try to meet more people and make new friends. You can also look at your relationship in the long run, accept that it is not working out for you both but that does not mean that there has to be a bad end result of ending the relationship.

Photo by Juliana Kozoski on Unsplash

You Are Too Narrow Minded

Some people are too narrow minded to see outside of their own circle of friends. You will never be able to build a successful relationship if you are not willing to get out there and explore other peoples’ lives as well.

The more you keep yourself stuck in the same place, the harder it becomes for you to let go of your previous relationships. If you are not willing to explore new people, places and ideas that might help you grow as a person in the future, then it is just going to be easier for someone else to manipulate or hurt you.

If you try to explore around, and soon you will realize that you have been looking in the wrong places where others are trying to find love. When you open up yourself and try to be more social, people will start noticing your new found confidence. You start finding better opportunities and will get in touch with more people. If you play your cards right, you might find yourself meeting the person of your dreams!

You Keep Thinking About The Past

You are more likely to obsess over a past relationship when you have been hurt by someone else. This can be very hard and time consuming for people who feel that way. It is not easy to get rid of all the bad memories from your mind. You will be stuck thinking about things that happened in the past, which might cause you some stress or even depression if left alone too long.

Instead of keep thinking about the past, you should look forward to a new future. You need to stop obsessing over your old relationships and start focusing on what is good in your life right now. The great thing about having some bad experiences with someone else is that they will help shape who you are as an adult person living today!

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

You Didn’t Seek For Help

Everyone has vulnerability in them. Breakup is never easy for anyone. It is more painful for people who are in the middle of it but do not seek help to deal with their feelings and thoughts on what happened. If you feel that someone treat you in hurtful ways or you are in an abusive relationship, then please consider talking to your family member, close friend or even professional in the first place before things get worse.

Getting consultation is always the right thing to do. There are many benefits of getting some good advice from trained professionals when dealing with emotional pain related problems such as: improving mental health, eliminate negativity, disconnect from old unhealthy relationships, and become a better person for next relationship.

You Keep Holding On To Self-Judgment

A lot of time, love hurts especially if it is your first time! We’ve all been hurt in relationships, but we still love the person who rejected us. It hurts because you want them to feel how much they mean to you instead of just walking away without a second thought. Holding onto self-judgments is unhealthy for your mental health and can make life harder on yourself than ever before!

Empathy and forgiveness are the keys to a successful relationship. If you love someone and feel like they have hurt you, just be kind to them no matter what happened. Treating yourself with kindness is always better than holding on to self-judgment in your mind as well as others’ minds! Don’t let other people bring you down because it’s not easy for anyone when falling in love or getting rejected by their lover too!

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash


Rejection and anguish always happens in relationships. A love life can be filled with ups and downs. Choosing to put yourself in love is a good thing, but it can also lead you into emotional pain when things don’t go the way you expected them to. Knowing how to deal with bad day and how to cope is the best thing you can do before committing yourself into another relationship.




I am a writer on self-development and psychology. I love to share my thoughts and advice in life.